The Winn’s are very excited for their trip, which will include seeing a new niece and a new brother-in-law. Jarom finished up school last week, and managed to get straight A’s on his report card, something that hasn’t happened since 1999, unless you count that one spring semester at BYU when he only had one class-Tennis. So he is mildly proud of himself, although not nearly as proud as Alixa is.

This doesn't have anything to do with today's entry, but it's funny
At work, Alixa recently told her boss that she would be needing time off for Christmas. She was told that this was not a possibility. After consulting with her parents and her husband, she thanked her employer for hiring her, and informed them that she would be taking time off for Christmas and if they had to let her go, she would understand. Fortunately, she is so indispensable that her boss told her that they would like her to stay. We are all very grateful for this blessing, as it will allow us to continue to eat for a few more months.
On the church front, Lix and Jarom are still teaching the 6 year olds, and enjoy being with them. On Sunday, upon arriving at sharing time, the Primary president told Alixa that there was a teacher meeting to talk about the new class assignments after the new year and that she should come with her. Lix asked if Jarom should come as well, to which the president replied “Oh no, he’s being released so we don’t need him.” This was the first that any of the Winn’s had heard about it, which made the president feel bad and made for a funny situation. Jarom isn’t really surprised, though. The bishop keeps asking him things about his schedule and the likes, asking if he has free time, so he thinks he will probably be an executive secretary or ward clerk, something that will take up lots of time and force him to call people he doesn’t know. He’s thrilled.

On Sunday we watched Dear Zachary, a documentary about a man who was killed by his ex-girlfriend. She fled to Canada, and while the legal system was working to extradite her, she had his baby. The story focuses on the parents of the deceased, and their relationship with their grandson and the woman who shot their son. As you might imagine, it is one of the most heart-wrenching stories you will ever hear. The documentary was well made, and I recommend it to anyone who needs to cry.
I probably won’t get a chance to write again until next year, so I hope everyone enjoys their presents from Santa, and get working on your New Year’s Resolutions!