We aren’t really sure what the new normal is around here,
because life has been a bit of a whirlwind since Maggie arrived back on June 13th.
Alixa’s parents were in the process of moving out of their rental in
preparation for their move to London, so Mario stayed in the guest room for a
few days while Jenna moved back up to once again share Bo’s room. It was
actually really great to have him around to help with things while Lix was
recovering. Soon thereafter Mario got evicted for another houseguest, Jarom’s
mom, who had been planning to come and stay for week whenever Maggie was born.
Believe it or not, Nancy is actually under those kids
From Maggie's first photo shoot
We sold Carlotta last month. Jarom cried.
Mario was a great live-in babysitter, but Nancy kicked it up
a notch, as only grandmas can. I’m not even sure Alixa saw the three older kids
the entire week she was living here. Every day was swimming at the pool and
playing at the museums and jumping at the trampoline place and whatever else
they concocted each day. The kids had a blast, Nancy seemed to really enjoy
herself and everybody was so exhausted at the end of each day that by 7:30 they
were all unconscious. Jarom was able to go to work and Lix was able to hang out
with Maggie, recover, and wrap up her refresher course of all 10 seasons of
Friends on Netflix.
Cow appreciation day at Chick-Fil-A
These two love swimming with each other
Emmy found a pool that fits her size
Teaching Maggie the basics of wrestling
Face painting at the children's museum
After a week Nancy did the unthinkable: she volunteered to
take Jenna, Bo, and Emmy back with her to Delaware for a week, after which
Alixa and Maggie would join them. It was really great. Everybody here missed
the kids, but it was really great to have a lot of time to chill and get used
to the new baby and not have to run around like a crazy person with all the
others. There will be plenty of time for that down the road, I’m sure. But as
much as the peace and quiet can be nice, you start to miss the crazy. So we
packed up Alixa with the newborn and threw her on a flight to Delaware, where
it isn’t brutally hot like it is in Texas. There she dove headfirst into single
parenting of four children while Jarom sat around at home. Along with working
and playing more golf than usual since he was free of other obligations, he did
manage to make some fence repairs and take care of a few things around the
house that had been on his list. But he missed his family, so he too flew off
to Delaware to spend a week with them.
This beautiful field is the kind of thing that makes Alixa want to go back to the east coast
Safety first
Catching fireflies
I just thought this look was hilarious
Getting on the train
Delaware has been a fun long term vacation destination.
There is a good housing situation, with a variable number of rooms depending on
who else is in town and a fleet of borrowable cars with amazing features like
power tailgates and smartkeys. You would not believe the number of text
messages that Jarom got complaining about how these features are not on any of
the current vehicles in the Winn garage. As previously mentioned, the weather
during July and August was mostly wonderful, with low humidity and highs that
rarely reached 90. The pool at Winn Manor had recently been renovated and a
cabana had been added, with a bathroom and fridge, so it was possible to spend
upwards of 8 hours a day down there without coming back in, if one desired.
Jenna has become a near-professional cannonballer and Bo has gone from a
passable swimmer to a really good swimmer in a few short weeks. Maggie has a
swingseat that she rocks in over in the shade whilst the otters frolic in the
The whole family on Maggie's blessing day
It’s been a revolving door of friends, some coming to the
house to visit, others playing host. There were trips to museums and Longwood
Gardens and the Strasburg Railroad and Amish Country and the beach, but mostly
it has been lying by the pool. When Jarom was there the house was at max
capacity, with a handful of Eckerys and everyone’s favorite West Virginians,
Kip and Carolyn. Jarom got to play some golf with his dad, JD, and Kip. He went
with the kids to the railroad. There were some very nice dinners at the house
with old friends that he hadn’t seen in over 4 years. And of course lots of
swimming. Now he’s back here in Texas with me and Jazz while the rest of the
crew enjoys one more week up north. Soon everyone will be back here getting
ready for school and we will have to figure out how to do this for real without
any helpers and with some sort of regular schedule, but for at least a few more
days we are all enjoying the vacation.