Sunday, November 4, 2007

Life from ground level

Get a blog, they say. Everyone has a blog, they tell me. All my friends stare at me with disbelief in their eyes when I tell them that not only do I not have one, but I don't even want one! But here it is, the initial offering of Mitch's Corner. In the coming days, weeks, and possibly even years you will be able to read about my thoughts on topics ranging from sports to politics, from tropical deforestation(a subject that is particularly dear to me) to how much you should tip your waitresses(at least 25% if it is Lixi). Today will just be a short intro, no main topic. Please let me know if there are subjects that you would like me to speak on. You will probably find that my perspective is unique, as an immigrant to this great nation and most particularly as a non-human. With that I will close by stating my sadness that the Pats beat the Colts today in what will probably be the best regular season game all year, and my joy in watching what was probably the best regular season game all year. Unfortunately I had to watch it by myself since Lix and Jarom don't watch TV on Sundays. They are really great people. Instead they went out and delivered home baked cookies to underprivileged local children.


Bruce Winn said...

Mitch, good to hear from you. We have not officially met yet, but I have heard alot about you. I understand you really like to eat mice. yuk! I can understand why you only eat every other week. Anyway, here in Philadelphia the most important game yesterday was not the New England-Indy game, but the Eagles-Dallas game. Andy Reid is getting killed and everyone wants to raise his kids for him. They all think he should quit, even though both his boys are in jail and he can't do anything. Not to mention they are 24 and 22 years old. Anyway, winning 5 of the last 6 NFC east championships is not enough. We need to bring in a new coach who will tank the team! Hope to finally meet you sometime soon. Dad

PJ Hegewald said...

OK, so who wrote this? Mitch has no digits! I enjoyed reading someone's witty dialogue. Hey, how bout them Browns, three in a row! Yahoo! And then there are our other two great teams, the Cavs and the Indians! It's a great time to be living in Cleveland! By the way, we got our first snow flurries today! Brrrr! Too bad Mitch can't come visit us for Christmas but we are looking forward to seeing Lixee Pixie Poopsie and Jarome, err, I mean Alixa and Jarom. You two are great!!!
We love you both!
Mommy Hegewald

Unknown said...

Mitch. Oh Mitch. How art thou? Oh have I missed days of your feedings. That split second before you sprang onto the defenseless (surely inbred, red eyed, white mouse)still gives me the shivers. I congratulate you though on your speed. I do encourage that you keep that up. Who knows if you will be able to catch a mouse in the glass enclosure, I'll refer to as your home,when the mouse has no means of escape. Let's just be honest, slow really isn't your style, "ground level" or not. I can imagine you soaring through the air just as smoothly as you slither around in your home. I do hope Alixa and Jarom are treating you well. Best wishes to you Mitch. May you shed many a skin. Signing off--Ansally (your friend in crime--remember, anytime and anyplace, I am YOUR criminal friend--that is, if you are ever in need of friend...that is a criminal, I'm here fo ya.)

cameo said...

Jeremy wanted to write something really witty, but was drawing a blank... But, I hope you tell Lix and Jarom that we want to be recipients of those home baked goods sometime. Go Colts!!!

Amanda said...

I don't know what all this talk of the Colts is about. Go Cougs. Mitch, you rock my world. And I do agree with you regarding your comments on the oh-so-private World Wide Web. What a nice place to hide secret information. See you on Friday big fella. Maybe we'll bring you home another Bitey McGee.