The flight was non-stop and Jenna behaved wonderfully, making friends with some of the flight attendants and making her parents proud by not screaming at all. The first task upon their arrival was to get the rental cars. To Jarom’s delight, he was assigned to a Toyota Corolla with the steering wheel on the right (not correct) side. The Caymans are a British Isle, which means that they drive on the left side of the road. This took some getting used to, although many of the roads are divided highways, eliminating a great deal of the challenge. It turns out that the trickiest part of driving backwards is changing lanes, because the turn signal and windshield wiper levers are reversed. Anyone who has ever driven or been in the car with someone in a British country can attest to the fact that turning the wipers on instead of the blinker is hilarious, and even after the driver has done it about 15 times it is still funny. Alixa got to sit in the front seat a few times, and always commented about how she felt like something was missing and kept reaching up to adjust the rear view mirror. Fortunately they got through the week without any accidents.
The house they stayed at was great, adjacent to a beautiful golf course and the Ritz-Carlton. The company was okay too, consisting of the Grandparents Winn, the Grandparents Slaugh, Patrick and Kris Holderness, and some single guy who keeps tagging along on these vacations. As the only baby amongst so many (grand)motherly figures, Jenna received an unhealthy amount of attention, but it was nice for Jarom and Lix to be able to go and do things and have willing babysitters around. For her part, Jenna was pleasant all week, even though she did get a bit of a cold on Friday and Saturday. Days were spent at the beach and pool and doing assorted activities, while nights were spent watching football games and eating and playing games. One night they played Trivial Pursuit, with Jarom’s team winning, of course. The most interesting moment was when Alixa, who had been quiet most of the game, shot both hands into the air and yelled, using her best inside voice, “Captain Underpants, Baby!” You will have to ask her what the question was. It should be noted that the correct answer was in fact, Captain Underpants.
On Wednesday the crew chartered a boat for some snorkeling and stuff. On the ride out to the bay, Jarom decided to play Win Skiffington’s Money and asked how much the boat they were riding on was worth. The guesses ranged between $1-325,000, but the captain informed them that we were all woefully short, as the MSRP came to $999,000, which didn’t include the $15,000 jetski that was strapped to the back. Needless to say, it was a pretty nice boat. The first stop was stingray city, where tourists bring food to a plethora of stingrays who have become quite accustomed to the crowds, and will swim all over you without the slightest hint of fear. Alixa bravely went back in the water, despite the infamous Mexican incident of ’06. She handled herself well enough, at least until we went to the second stop, the coral reef. The current there was quite strong, and as she picked her head up out of the water to look around for other members of the group, she was pulled over the top of some coral and scratched her on one butt cheek. She sprayed some vinegar on it to help take away the sting, but spent the next few days looking like she was trying to discreetly fart every time she sat down.
On Friday everyone went to visit the turtle farm on the island, where they saw about 400 green sea turtles swimming in a tank that looked big enough for less than 40. It didn’t smell very good. But they also got to see some little ones, who have the most beautiful shells you have ever seen. Jenna was a little sleepy due to an interrupted nap, but she seemed to be genuinely intrigued by these strange animals. Perhaps it was the way they flapped their flippers out of the water in the same manner that she swings her arms whenever she gets excited.
On Sunday they visited the Cayman branch for church in the morning, where the locals complained about how cold it was (maybe 65 with the wind chill.) Then they headed to the airport and back to Philadelphia, where the temperature on the ground was about 30. Jenna slept for nearly the entire flight, which was great for everyone except Alixa’s arm, which was trapped beneath Jenna’s head for over two hours. The sacrifices that mothers make for their children are amazing.
This week Jarom is back in Wisconsin for another week of training while Alixa and Jenna and I ready ourselves for the move down to Richmond, which will take place this weekend. As wonderful as this extended Christmas vacation has been, it will certainly be nice to return at least a small amount of stability and normalcy to our lives. But it will be sad to have no more grandpeople around to dote on Jenna and hang out with. The real world beckons. Boohiss.
Oh my gosh you guys that is so fun! I love Grand Cayman! (Didn't love stingrays so much though) Thanks for posting all of those pictures. Jenna is so cute!!! (As are her parents... but, you know how it goes.) Miss you guys!
Sounds like such a fun trip! I absolutely love the pics of your cute Jenna on the beach! How quickly happy faces can change! Ha ha. Also I feel your pain on having to hold her the whole plane ride- they are so little but can sure hurt your arm! Btw you look great!
she is so cute! i cant believe how big she is getting. good work on making a cute jenna
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