Saturday, April 17, 2010


This post is about poo. You have been warned...

Thursday morning started out like any other day in the Winn household. Jarom got up early and went to work, and Jenna and I got up around 8:00. We played for a little while, and then Jenna ate some breakfast. Then we played a little bit more and I decided, rather foolishly, that I would give Jenna a bath a bit early because we both weren’t feeling well, and I was hoping she would take a nap early so that I could also take a nap. We both have been suffering from colds lately, and I take any opportunity I can to sleep. Anyway, I usually wait until after Jenna’s morning poo to put her in the tub because it is just a good segue, but today I wasn’t thinking and put her in early. As I have mentioned before, Jenna is on a very regular schedule, and this includes all aspects of her life, including her poo schedule. So, I put Jenna in the tub and she is having a grand old time splashing and making a general mess of the bathroom when she gets real quiet and her face turns purple like she is pushing real hard. This alone is sign enough that she is working on something and then I see little bubbles coming up from her bum. I think, oh crap, she is pooing in the tub again. I hate cleaning poo out of the tub because it is so annoying to clean and disinfect everything. So I try to distract her so I can at least get her out of the tub but no such luck. Little floaters have already appeared. So I pull her out real quick, drain the water and put a diaper on her so she can finish her business. After she was all dressed for the day, I went back to clean up the mess. I pulled out all the poo and disinfected everything and I thought I was done. So I walk back to Jenna’s room to play with her when I noticed something didn’t feel right on my toe. Well, I guess I must have dropped a piece, or Jenna had a dangler or something, because there was poo on my big toe and I hadn’t noticed and tracked it all down my brand new white carpet. I was so ticked and by this point Jenna is getting fussy. So I shove a binky in her mouth and start to clean up the hallway too. Well I get it done and think about how my day had been super eventful and it wasn’t even 9 am yet. But it was done and I continued on with the rest of my day and everything went normal again…

Until around 3 in the afternoon when I caught Jenna doing her purple face grunting thing again. So I picked her up and went to her room to change yet another poopy diaper. Well, this one was a bit runny, so it went up her back. I didn’t notice it had gone up her back and I laid her on her changing table, which has a cute little cover for the pad. It got poo all over the pad and all over her clothes. I don’t know if any of you have ever tried to take care of a poo up the back diaper by yourself, but it is hard. You have to juggle the baby, getting the clothes off without getting poo everywhere, get the diaper off, and wipe, all without letting anything poopy touch anything else. Anyway, I failed miserably. So I get everything off, but now I have poop all over my hands and a poopy diaper that didn’t stay in the diaper to dispose of and poo on the changing table and I didn’t know where to put the baby while I was taking care of all this. Oh, and I hadn’t put a new diaper on Jenna yet, because I had poo all over my hands. So I stand her up holding on to some furniture while I wash my hands. I had just finished when I hear something wet hitting the brand new white carpet. That’s right, Jenna had peed all over. That one was my fault for not putting the diaper on her, but I really had poo everywhere. So, I put a diaper on her, get everything cleaned up and took a deep breath. It’s a good thing she is so stinkin’ cute, otherwise I would not love her anymore.


PJ Hegewald said...

Sounds like it was "one of those days". Ha ha ha ha ha!

Mama Winn said...

Actually, when you get to one of those messes, it's easier to go back to the old ways of the days before wet ones and diaper genies. Pick the baby up, pooh and all and sling them over one arm. Take them to the bathroom and undress them over the tub. Drop everything that isn't part of the child into the tub to clean later. Run the faucet in the tub down the baby's back and just wash everything into the tub. Continue dangling the child over one arm, soap her down, rinse her off and wrap her in a towel. When she is diapered and in clean clothes, sitting safely in her crib, sucking on her binky, you can go back and tackle the tub full of pooh. In the long run, it's actually easier than the changing table, the floor, the carpet, the diaper genie lid.....

You may recall I had some experience with your particular child and a whole week's worth of poohey diapers, so I even know for sure that this method works on this particular child! Most mothers your age have never even seen or heard of this method, but I promise, in some cases (such as the one you described today) it's the only way to go!!!

And I agree, she is so cute and adorable and talented with handing you her binky, you simply cannot help but love her!!

Amanda said...

I agree with Jarom's mom. Wes has had his fair share of nasties. Like when my dad thought it would be cool to feed him two containers of prunes. NOT COOL. More poo came out of that kid than I've ever seen in my life. I just take him to the tub and strip him down, put all the clothes in the sink or in that tub they gave you at the hospital filled with oxyclean and water and let it soak. Then spray him off, quick bath, and fresh clothes.

One time Wes had one of those explosions when we were at the Olive Garden. I pretty much carried him naked out of the restaurant.

And I think it's hilarious that Jenna peed on the floor. Haha. Wes did that the other day. I wrap a towel around him and let him run around nakie while I get dressed after we shower and he stood in front of the tv and peed all over the carpet while he laughed at Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Awesome. Gotta love our children.

Opa said...

Let me tell you about a time when my oldest daughter did the same thing. It was a beautiful summer day and she was an adorable, precocious, red-headed toddler. She's in the bathtub and . . .

Wait, you may not want to hear the rest because you're that child! Just one more example of what goes around comes around! Way to go Jenna!!


Natalie said...

Sorry you had such a pooper of a day. When we got married George told me he "didn't do the messy part of children". That didn't actually last so long...but I still get the bulk of it.

The Pincock Family said...

When I had my baby shower, forever ago, someone gave me a little green fish net. I thought, what in the heck do I do with this. She told me to use it to fish out the pooh. I am so grateful she gave it to me because I used it all the time during those awful situations. Buy a little green fish net and you will use it and love it!

Carolyn said...

Oh Alixa, I cannot help but to smile as I read through this because I know how those days are! I'm glad you survived. Jenna IS adorable and it's a good thing! :)

zh said...

I just did a quick ctrl F and found that you wrote the word poo 19 times in that one post. That's pretty impressive. Way to make your mom earn her keep, Jenna! (I assume this was written by Lixi and not Mitch.)