Monday, February 25, 2008

Relax, it's just intramurals

I will begin my message today with the following thought: People are crazy. Jarom had an intramural basketball game on Saturday that was a classic demonstration of this principle. The team that they played was not very good, and his team was shooting the ball particularly well. This created what is known in the sporting world as a slaughter. It was 19-0 before they got their first basket, and the lead fluctuated between 20 and 30 points from then on. Surprisingly, the losing team continued to talk a great deal of trash. Their fans were equally obnoxious, and two young women had to be asked to leave the area, something that would undoubtedly make Nate proud. With about 8 minutes left in the game, there was a sequence where one of their players got blocked on 3 consecutive layup attempts. All were clean, but there was a foul called after the third one, at which time the blockee shoved the blocker in the chest. Words were shared between several players on each side, and a fight was requested. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed, the game was called since the outcome was no longer in question, and the teams were asked to leave in a staggered fashion so as to not cause undue traffic congestion upon their departure (or something).

Lixi made the comment that she is sure glad that Jarom doesn’t ever lose his temper, because it is a little embarrassing to see adults act like 7 year olds. Obviously nobody likes to lose, and anyone who has played sports knows how frustrating it can be to get blown out, but to totally lose control and start shoving people and looking for a fight? It is just intramurals, people! Unfortunately there are many people who never got that memo. They act as if the fate of the known world hangs in the balance. Fortunately it does not. I hope that the meathead who caused this ruckus never has the fate of anything important in his hands, because he will surely destroy whatever it is.

In other interesting news, some dude won $2 million after placing a $1 bet on the outcome of 8 consecutive horse races. The winners were all 7 to 1 or longer. As Kevin from The Office says, “If someone gives you 10,000 to 1 on anything, you take it.” Or in this case, 2,000,000 to 1.

I hope everyone enjoys this week and has a wonderful leap day on Friday. I am lobbying congress to make it a national holiday so that it really is an extra day instead of just another day of the week. I plan on catching up on some of the sleep that I have missed over the last four years. What will you do?