Jenna's new Bumbo makes her look even squattier than normal

The many smiles of Jenna

Speaking of wherever we are going, Jarom has been getting a steady stream of rejection letters for all the jobs he is applying for. But he continues to plod along, with much help from his employment specialist, Alixa. She does a great job of finding things for him to apply for, and then he just has to fill out applications and write cover letters and stuff. She seems to genuinely enjoy it, so who is Jarom to deny her that pleasure? But back to the visitors.

Knoxville's Sunsphere

That's birdpoop in Lixi's hair. It was a traumatic experience.

Jenna and her mom, and Alixa

Lix thinks this is a very cute picture

This is where Alixa wants to sit next time they go to a game. And Amanda seems to think she is at a KISS concert or something.
Brad and Amanda rolled in on Sunday evening, upset that the Eagles-Raiders game was not to be found on Knoxville basic cable. At least there was a Phillies game on. Monday morning everyone except for Jarom got up and headed out to Dollywood for a fun day of amusement parking. It was a nice day, albeit a little chilly, and admission was free thanks to Brad’s job at Hershey Park up in PA. The only downside was that Addi was sick enough to merit a visit to the ER, where they were told that she had strep. On Tuesday Jarom joined the group and they walked around downtown Knoxville, climbing the sunsphere and visiting Neyland stadium. The short visit ended on Wednesday when they headed back north by car and Lix and Jenna headed the same direction on a plane. Now Jarom is all by himself in Tennessee while his wife and kid enjoy an eight-day vacation with Grandma. They are enjoying themselves so far, which is good because it makes it a little easier to listen to Jarom crying himself to sleep each night. He is really quite a baby.
Thank you for sharing. We are having a wonderful time. And Jenna remembered that she likes me.
Umm, yeah, I think that bird poop in the hair would be a traumatic experience for ANYONE. Yuck. And that picture of Jarom and Jenna IS very cute. You are applying in Utah, right?
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