Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Fair warning, this post might come off as a little braggy. But that’s what happens when you have the best kids in the world. So if that sort of thing bothers you maybe you should read something else.

The first few weeks of school have gone amazingly well. Lix and the kids are settling into a morning routine that seems to be working well enough. Jenna has been really tearing it up in kinder. Every day she comes home and tells us about the things that she did, and usually about the kids who may have misbehaved. She reports that some kids get sleepy and lay down when they are supposed to be paying attention, and others have to be uninvited from an activity because they weren’t doing what they were supposed to, but that she is always a good listener and does what the teacher says. She has a special class every day, which rotates between PE, art, and music, and she loves those. Last week was pretty special because it was grandparents lunch, and since Alixa’s mom is playing in Florida we had Jarom’s mom fly in to attend. That meant a nice lunch at the school on Friday, but it also meant some nice trips with grandma to various stores to get fun toys and soccer gear. It also meant that she was able to watch both Bo and Jenna play some soccer, which was lots of fun for them. Sadly, it was a very short stay in Texas, but we were glad she could make it.

At the end of the week Jenna brought home a buddy, Ollie Owl. He’s a stuffed owl that gets to go home with the best listener in class during the week, and Jenna got to be the first person to take him home. He gets to spend all weekend with you and you write a journal entry about his adventures. When Jarom heard about this he asked Jenna to tell him about Ollie. “Well,” said Jenna, “he needs lots of love and affection. He likes to go places with you, but you have to be careful and not leave him anywhere because he will get scared if he is all by himself.” It sounded like she was reading it from a cue card, and could not have been more hilarious. Jenna is quite the little nerd. She is very smart and seems to be an excellent student. I think she gets it from her mother.

Bo also started school and seems to have instantly aged 2 years. It has always been a struggle to get Bo to do things on his own, whether that means putting on his shoes or buckling his seat belt or helping him eat. He can do all of those things, but sometimes it seems like he is a little too comfortable in his role of little brother. But with Jenna gone now Bo is all big brother. He has been taking great care of Emmy, and on the morning of his first day of school he was so excited that he put his shoes on and climbed in the car and buckled himself in. He gets to do science experiments and crafts and games and has a few good friends in his class and has the greatest teacher we know. He’s been doing really well.

Soccer has also started for both Jenna and Bo and they had their first games this weekend. They had both been doing really well in practice so we were cautiously optimistic that they would have the chance to score a goal or two. Bo had his game first, and it was early enough that Grandma got to watch before she caught her flight out of town. He was amazing. He chased down every ball, played great defense, and scored 4 goals. And he couldn’t have been happier running around the field chasing that ball. In the afternoon game Jenna told Jarom that since Bo scored 4 goals she was going to score 5 to beat him. Jarom just smiled at her. But sure enough, the girl who didn’t score a goal until halfway through the season last spring lit it up for 5 goals. Way to go little kiddos.

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