Saturday, September 12, 2009

Up a Tree

I hope you all enjoyed the video. In order to really experience it in the most realistic way possible, make sure you turn the volume way up. It is a sound that has been ever present in the Winn home recently, as everyone managed to catch Jarom’s cold from last week. Poor baby Jenna has had trouble breathing because of all the snot in her, so she has spent many nights sleeping in Jarom’s spot on the bed propped up on a pillow. Alixa has become somewhat of an expert with the boogersucker (that’s a technical term you don’t need to remember), which Jenna hates and screams about every time. But both Jenna and Alixa seem to be coming out of it, which is great news for everyone.

Charting Jenna's growth- Same outfit, weeks 1 v 10

This week Alixa went back to work, picking up 3 lunch shifts at the Olive Garden. Her feet and her back and her legs were pretty sore, but it should get better as she gets used to it again. She considered applying for a job at BabysRUs, but figured that there was no way she would be able to get time off for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, so she opted not to. It is just as well, because it seems unlikely that spending 5 mornings a week in that store would create a positive net cash flow. So for now Jarom gets to play Mr. Mom a few days a week, much to Lixi’s chagrin. Sometimes he doesn’t bathe or dress Jenna in quite the way that Mom would like, but she survived, so the complaints have been minimal.

Lix has also taken up Craigslisting as a way to drum up some spending money while clearing out some clutter. Some old laptop bags, a Foreman grill, a vacuum, and a 5-wood are all for sale or have been sold. This experience has brought out some deep-seated paranoia from Alixa. She has been adamant that nobody knows our address, lest they come and steal our baby. Jarom does not share this paranoia, but in the interest of keeping his marriage healthy has taken long walks to the other side of the apartment complex in order to keep the location of their secret lair safe.

The Winns also took Jenna on her first outdoor hiking adventure, a 5-mile trek through the Smoky Mountains to a pretty little place called Abram’s Falls. The Baby Bjorn did a great job, and Jenna actually slept with her face on Jarom’s sweaty t-shirt for most of the hike. It was fun to spend a day outside with their friends, the exercise was great, and they got to see two adult black bears, one of which was eating acorns about 65 feet up a tree. Jarom and Alixa both enjoy hiking and doing things outdoors, but for some reason they never seem to do those things unless they are going with one of their outdoorsy friends.

Bear in tree, people watching it

Bear on ground, people flee for their lives

Up next for the Winns is an exciting weekend full of grandparents, as both the Winns and Hegewalds will be arriving on Thursday evening to hang out for a few days and witness Jenna’s blessing. Alixa has been telling Jarom for weeks that he needs to come up with some original stuff, so if there are any suggestions out there I am sure he would appreciate the help. Mostly we are all just hoping that she doesn’t start crying while up on the stage, because who knows how many eardrums will burst if you put a microphone in front of her.


Mama Winn said...

she has grown! We can't wait to see her! Love you.

Four Winns said...

Two words: super powers