Sunday, December 6, 2009

Every town, has its ups and downs...

As I write this post I am getting a little misty-eyed, because it will likely be the last installment from my Knoxville base of operations. It has been a bittersweet week in the Winn household. First and foremost, Jenna is missing. She is spending a wonderful week in Delaware with Grandma and assorted other homeless family members who don’t believe in paying rent. Immediately after Jarom and Alixa left last Saturday, she caught the diarrhea bug and has yet to stop pooping. It is certainly a good thing that she is so cute and that Grandma loves her so much, or she surely would have been FedExed back to Tennessee days ago. She is sorely missed by her parents, who have seen her via webcam most every day. She doesn’t seem to really understand what is going on though, and mostly enjoys hitting the keyboard repeatedly. They are very glad that they aren’t around for the messy diapers, and are enjoying their beauty rest, but are quite anxious to get back to her on Tuesday. She won’t say it because she is polite to a fault, but Jenna is also excited to be done with Grandma, who can’t quite figure out how to do her hair.

As you can see, the hair is a mess, but she is very smiley anyway

The reason for Jenna’s absence is that Jarom and Alixa will be leaving Knoxville and having a kid around makes it harder to tie up loose ends. Lix has worked more at the Olive Garden this week than she has in years, and as a result we are all filthy rich. Then she noticed that the Camry had a flat tire. So Jarom took it in to get a tire replaced, came out with 2 new tires, some new brakes and a few other stuffs, and now we are all flat broke. Those were good times, being rich. Oh well.

Jenna has been spending a lot of time in the tub because she keeps pooping. She doesn't mind because the tub is her favorite place in the world.

Jarom is almost finished with school, again. He has a final presentation in one class and has to present his master’s thesis (sort of) on Tuesday morning at 8, after which we will immediately head north, whether he passes or not. Even the nice weather is finished here, so there isn’t much keeping us. We looked out the window this morning to see snow falling, which was quite a shock. And last but definitely not least, Jarom put his motorcycle Roxy on craigslist to see if there is any demand for her. He doesn’t really want to sell her, but he will hopefully be getting a real job soon and thinks that a car might be more practical, not to mention the decreased risk of being run over.

Jenna and Grandma enjoying her very first snowfall

It will definitely be sad to leave east Tennessee. She has been very good to us over the past 18 months, but it is an exciting time for the Winns as we try to figure out where we will end up next.


PJ Hegewald said...

I love the pic of Jenna in the tub! Very charming last missive! Can't wait to see Mitch next week!

Carolyn said...

Good luck with the move! I'm glad Jenna is having fun with her grandma.

Amanda said...

I love that chunky little face. I just want to squeeze those cheeks. SO CUTE. I miss you guys. Get back out here soon...

Mama Winn said...

Jenna can't wait for mommy to do her hair again. You're right. Grandma is no good at this point, but when she needs french braids I'm a pro! PS - Jenna caught the bug under YOUR watch care. She started pooping the moment you left! I've got it almost under control now, thank you very much. And she has no diaper rash thanks to all the baths. So it will be sort of like Loni's never really happened.

Holli said...

So exciting to be done with school and get a real job...I can't wait for that day!